
Call for Abstract

Deadline: August 15, 2025

We are excited to announce our Call for Papers for the upcoming IAQVEC, dedicated to fostering groundbreaking research and innovation. This year, our theme revolves around topics mentioned below, and we invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from across the globe to submit their original papers. For submission guidelines and more information, please contact Conference President.

Submission Guidelines

The abstract should be between 250 and 350 words in length. Please use the provided abstract template for submission.

Program Topics

 1. Indoor Air Quality
  • Cutting-edge techniques for indoor air quality evaluation and assessment
  • Innovative HVAC solutions to enhance indoor air quality
  • Optimal strategies for controlling and mitigating indoor air pollutants
  • Climate change adaptation and its impact on indoor air quality
2. Building Technology and Performance
  • Advances in building envelope design and construction
  • Innovative HVAC systems for enhanced energy efficiency
  • Integration of renewable energy sources in building systems
  • Advances in building automation and control technologies
  • AI and machine learning in building automation and control systems
  • Best practices for maintaining building automation and control systems
 3. Thermal Comfort
  • Advances in thermal comfort modeling and simulation
  • Innovative building design strategies for enhanced thermal comfort
  • Human factors in thermal comfort assessment and management
4. Energy efficiency, conservation, renewable energy, and embodied carbon Energy
  • Interrelations between energy efficiency and embodied carbon
  • Life cycle environmental impacts of built environments
  • Building energy modeling and optimization
  •  Energy efficiency retrofits
  • Advancements in renewable energies
5. Health, Wellbeing, and Human Behaviors in the Built Environment
  • Evidence-based design strategies for promoting health and well-being in buildings
  • Innovative building design strategies for mental and physical health enhancement
  • Human factors in health and well-being assessment in the built environment
  • Advances in occupant behavior modeling and simulation
6. Generative AI in the Sustainability Context
  • Generative AI-Driven Approaches for Sustainable Building Design, Energy Efficiency, and Carbon Footprint Reduction
  • Artificial Intelligence Applications for Real-Time Optimization of Building Performance, Environmental Adaptation, and Occupant Comfort
  • Best Practices for Implementing and Managing AI-Driven Systems to Enhance Sustainability, Reliability, and Lifecycle Performance in the Built Environment
7. Innovative and Sustainable Materials for Building Design
  • Smart and sustainable materials for building construction
  • Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of materials
  • Innovative use of recycled and repurposed materials in sustainable design
  • Managing environmental impacts of synthetic materials, including PFAS
  • The role of building materials in pollution mitigation and promoting healthier environments
8. Visual (Lighting and Daylighting) Quality / Acoustic Quality
  • Lighting design strategies for energy efficiency and visual comfort
  • Integration of natural daylighting to enhance visual quality and reduce energy use
  • Advances in lighting and daylighting controls for smart buildings
  • Managing and mitigating visual discomfort in built environments
  • Advances in acoustic modeling and simulation for building design
  • Innovative strategies for acoustic quality enhancement
  • Managing and mitigating noise pollution in the built environment
9. Smart Cities and Green Infrastructures
  • Data analytics and machine learning for smart city management
  • Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for smart cities
  • Best practices for smart city maintenance and management
  • Green infrastructure innovations to enhance urban ecosystem services
  • Life cycle assessment of green infrastructure systems
  • Best practices for green infrastructure maintenance
10. Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience / Environmental Policy and Governance
  • Best practices for building design and management in a changing climate
  • Innovative strategies for enhancing resilience to climate change impacts
  • Integration of green infrastructure and ecosystem services in climate adaptation planning
  • Best practices for building energy codes and standards implementation
  • Innovative financing models for green building design and construction
  • Integration of environmental policy and governance in urban planning

The committee of IAQVEC has established the following awards.

  • Best research awards
  • Best paper awards
  • Best student paper awards
  • Best poster awards

The full paper should be at least 4 pages and a maximum of 8 pages in the only provided format.